Cause and Effect of Mood Disorders

Mood Disorders Causes and Effects | Bi Polar | Therapist Tampa Florida
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Mood disorders are diagnosed by therapists when an individual reports experiencing frequent and intense mood disturbances which interfere with their daily functioning. It’s an umbrella term that encompasses several mood issues such as major depression, bipolar disorder, substance abuse related mood disorders, seasonal affective disorder, and so on. Mood disorders can be treated with the help of a healthy self-care routine, counseling, and medication.

Some of the more common mood disorders

Before we dive into understanding the cause and effects of mood disorders, let’s first acquaint ourselves with the most common forms of mood disorders –

Depression is by far the most prevalent mood disorder. It not only causes mental complaints but also physical difficulties. Depression can hamper a person’s day-to-day performance in their regular activities and can be extremely debilitating if the symptoms are not countered with proper therapy by an adept counselor.

Dysthymic disorder is similar to depression, except that it is of a milder nature. A person can have dysthymia and still be able to perform as they normally would in their regular lives.

Manic depressive disorder or bipolar disorder is a mood disorder which indicates oscillation between mania and depression.

Possible Causes of Mood Disorders

The exact causes that lead to imbalances in mood have not been determined as of yet. But therapists have come to believe that depression develops as a result of genetic, environmental, psychological, and biological conditions. The improper functioning of neurotransmitters are thought to be the most problematic and the major cause behind depression.

Brain structuring and functioning may also lead to mood disorders. Brain imaging scans have shown that individuals with a healthy mood regulation have brains that slightly differ from how the brain of a person with mood disorder appears. People with bipolar disorder usually inherit the condition from their family.

Effects of Mood Disorders

The effects of mood disorders can be extremely detrimental to a person’s well-being and functioning. If a person notices that they are suffering from sustained periods of unusual moods, they should walk into a counselor’s office and have their mental health checked out. Mood disorders can be treated effectively with skilled therapy and certain medications. Counselors who diagnose mood disorders usually look out for the following effects which manifest itself in the patient –

·       Suicidal ideation

·       Anxiety and sadness

·       Extreme feelings of guilt

·       Low self-esteem

·       Loss of interest in regular activities

·       General pessimism

·       Restlessness

·       Uncalled for irritability or aggression

·       Impulsive behavior

The Road to Recovery

Counseling can help an individual with a mood disorder understand and manage his/her moods better. Once they are successful in doing so, they will be able to alleviate the symptoms of this disorder. Erin Saintil is a recognized therapist functioning in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. She offers collaborative therapeutic services that help treat a range of mood disorders. For more information on her and her practices, visit You can trust her counseling services to give you the mental health counseling you need.

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