As Seen on Vice: How to Deal With Coronavirus If You Have Anxiety and Hypochondria

Hypochondriacs are Under Even More Stress During This Pandemic

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In addition to the health scare of the illness, the highly contagious coronavirus is also acting as a major trigger for those who are living with hypochondria. For people who live with health anxiety, global health scares can affect them differently, and far more intensely than they would affect anyone else who does not live with this condition.

On speaking to mental health experts, how this outbreak is affecting people with hypochondria became very real. People diagnosed with health anxiety have often been called obsessed, and not been taken seriously. But with this outbreak which is making every person consider their health a little more than usual, one can only imagine the stress it is creating among people who are in a constant state of panic regarding their health. Read more.

Tips From Therapists on Coping With Anxiety During the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic

1. Accept that it’s normal to be stressed out right now. Don’t judge yourself for how you’re feeling.

2. Identify your self-care needs and make adjustments to your coping mechanisms where you can.

3. Learn grounding, anchoring, and other self-soothing techniques to calm yourself during moments of panic.

4. Move your body.

5. Develop a mantra.

6. Visualize a pleasant memory.

7. Keep to a routine.

8. Talk to someone who makes you feel better.

9. Remember that hypochondria is a manifestation of anxiety.

10. Take a break from your phone,computer and the news.

11. Set aside time to deal with the tasks you’re avoiding.

Read more.


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