EMDR Therapy helps treat PTSD, Anxiety, Trauma

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) Therapy

EMDR Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that has proved to be useful in treating PTSD, trauma, anxiety, and related symptoms. It is a clinically validated therapy that has proved to be very helpful for people who suffer from trauma.

If you suffer from trauma or anxiety, or known someone suffering from PTSD consider EMDR therapy. This guide tells you all you need to know about this therapy.

EMDR Therapy Guide

1) What is it?

EMDR therapy is a psychotherapy developed by a psychologist named Francis Shapiro in 1990. EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is an intervention used to treat Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), trauma, anxiety, and panic. It is an approach done over different phases to help you ‘get past your past’.

The objective of EMDR therapy is to help patients reduce and then eliminate the problematic symptoms they face. People recollect traumatic incidents and then these memories can cause trauma, anxiety, etc. EMDR therapy focuses on the traumatic memory. The aim is to alter the way the brain stores the memory. The person learns to integrate the traumatic memory into their memory. This helps them adapt to traumatic memories.

2) How does EMDR work?

EMDR therapy helps a person to reprocess traumatic memories, so that it does not affect their lives negatively. When they learn to adapt to these memories, the memories will not trouble them and cause any negative symptoms. EMDR uses eye movements as stimuli to help review traumatic memories. During the counseling, the patient would watch the therapist move their fingers. This helps them install a positive belief while recalling the traumatic memory.

Each session would last for around an hour. The number of sessions depends on the patient’s condition, which is decided after a consultation. The American Psychiatric Association has endorsed this therapy. Studies have shown that this therapy can be very effective for people who are suffering from trauma. The trauma could be a result of sexual abuse, rape, childhood trauma, neglect, combat trauma, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, etc.

EMDR therapy is conducted in eight phases:

  1. History taking

  2. Client preparation

  3. Assessment

  4. Desensitization

  5. Installation

  6. Body Scan

  7. Closure

  8. Revaluation of treatment effect

3) Is it effective?

The effectiveness of EMDR therapy has been documented by 30 different studies carried out over a 30-year period. After completing three sessions of 90 minutes each, around 90% of victims of single trauma had their PTSD resolved. 77% of veterans had their combat trauma resolved in 12 sessions. 77% of those suffering from multiple trauma had their PTSD symptoms resolved after 6 sessions of 50 minutes each. This data affirms the effectiveness of EMDR.

Getting EMDR Therapy done

If you want to get EMDR therapy done to treat PTSD or trauma symptoms, then you need to find a licensed and competent therapist. A good therapist and counselor in Tampa, FL can help you manage your trauma symptoms better. This intervention has proved to be effective and is worth considering. Contact a qualified therapeutic services provider with experience who can help you with your symptoms.


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