How to find a good trauma / PTSD therapist in Tampa?

Trauma therapy

Studies show that nearly 70% of all adults would have experienced some traumatic incident or the other. It is estimated that 6% would suffer from the effects of trauma and develop PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). If you suffer from PTSD, then therapy in Tampa, FL can help you cope with it.

You need to find a good therapist in Tampa, FL to help you cope with the trauma. To help you decide the best counselor we have some guidelines for you. They will help you find a good therapist to help you with your problems.

Choosing a good PTSD/ trauma therapist

To treat trauma/PTSD, you need a good therapist who can offer you counseling in Tampa, FL. The counseling sessions would involve therapy like CBT or EMDR. When you undergo therapy or counseling, you can integrate and understand the traumatic events better. This will help you with the healing. While the traumatic memories may remain, you will be able to cope up with it better.

You need to find a good therapist, who is experienced and competent in therapy and counseling. Here are some guidelines to help you find such a therapist:

1) Talk to your doctor

Talk to your family physician who would generally be your first point of contact. Your doctor can help you find a good therapist. If you know a mental health professional, you can get in touch with them. They may offer the therapy themselves or may recommend a therapist for you.


With the growth of the internet, online therapy platforms have grown in popularity. These platforms have licensed and competent therapists registered. At Collaborative Therapeutic Services (CTS), we offer therapy sessions offline as well as online.

3) Search in online directories

A simple Google search can help you find therapist near you. The listing would show reviews by patients and other information. This can help you make a decision. Apart from Google, there are other online directories like Psychology Today that have a listing of professionals. You can find a professional based on your area and zip code.

4) Search in professional directories

Professional organizations have their directories. These directories may be able online as well as offline. They are the best place to find the best therapist or counselor to treat trauma. The following are professional organizations you can get in touch with:

  • APA or American Psychological Association has a search engine using which you can search based on zip code, city, and state.

  • ADAA or Anxiety and Depression Association of America can help you find therapist for PTSD.

  • ABCT or Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies can help you find therapists who offer CBT treatment.

  • The Psychological association of the state where you stay can be of help.


Collaborative Therapeutic Services (CTS) wants to help. We offer a variety of counselling and therapy services, hours, and service providers with diverse specializations. We offer evening & weekend appointments in office or by TeleHealth conferencing.

Have questions? Contact Us Here or Call 813-951-7346. Located in Tampa, Florida. Ask us about our new NEUROLEASE® TREATMENT THERAPY - A cutting edge treatment for releasing toxic emotions.